Funeral Home Inc.
Shane J. Gladfelter, Supervisor
Richard Powell
October 13, 1950 - March 8, 2020

Richard E. Powell, 69, entered into rest on March 8, 2020. He was born on October 13, 1950 here in York Pa. He was the eldest son of the late Mary E. Powell and the late Richard E. Robinson. He attended the York City School System and graduated in 1960 from William Penn Senior High and formly known to many as "Rick".
To know Rick was to love him. He was an amazing man. Full, of courage, wisdom and strength. He was a "fix it" man. Very mechanical minded. He could fix most anything you put before him. Bicycles, furnances, cars, grills, you name it, he would fix it. In his younger years and even until he became ill, he enjoyed the outdoors. Hunting and fishing were his favorite pasttimes. He recieved many State Recognition awards for his fishing abilities and brought many a deer back from his hunting efforts. Deer bolonga, jerky and steaks were his idea of "good eating". He would hang the antlers for trophies and reminders. He would say "there is no reciepe for "Antler Soup". He also enjoyed music. Jazz, soul (oldies but goodies) and gospel like Kirk Franklin, John P. Keye and the Clark Sisters. He had a sense of humor and was very funny. One of his favorite sayings was "Hey, you got my money?" He was a good cook (most of the Powell boys are) and loved seafood, especially fish.
He leaves behind to mourn his passing, his wife of 33 years, Cassaundra (Kinard) Powell, 1 son, Duane (Melbe) Paige, 1 daughter, Kaji (William) Collins, 1 step daughter, Portia (Lester) Bryant, 3 step sons, Kelvin (Channa) Paige all of York, John (Bea) Palmer, California and Lloyd Paige where abouts unknown, 5 brothers: Gary, Dean (Zinda) Charles, Kim aka Tyrone (Sandy) all of York and Jeff Maryland, 3 sisters, Charmaine Day, Darlene (Reggie) Holland, both of York and Patricia Jones of Deleware, 1 aunt, Romaine Powell of Harrisburg PA, 1 "like" son, Thomas Eyler and 1 special niece,Debra Moody both of York. He was preceeded in death by both Parents and brother Gerome Powell. Rick tolerated his illness for over 7 years. He never complained about it. He just did what he had to do faithfully and consistently. His resilience was awesome. He will be sorely missed but never forgotten. Now he is at peace. No more pain or worries. His work here is done and he is a hundred thousand million miles beyond the rising sun, from everything here, take your rest. We all love you but God loves you best. Services and burial will be private.